COP28 Truth

Sultan Al Jaber, the President of COP28, again exemplifies the old Arab Proverb ‘He who speaks the truth must also own a fast horse’.

He has been quoted as stating there is no science indicating that a phase-out of fossil fuels is needed to restrict global heating. Reputable scientist after reputable scientist are demonstrating the disconnect between human recycling of carbon dioxide and the climate.

In fact while computer models consistently show remarkably inconsistent and abysmally incorrect correlation with what is actually happening, stark geologic records show we are in a period of perilously low atmospheric levels of the essential plant nutrient, carbon dioxide.

The Sultan is being condemned by adherents to the myth that surface temperatures can be controlled to within 1.5C by regulation of CO2.

To the Sultan, get back on your high horse and tell ’em they’re dreaming’.

John McRobert

Editor’s addition: See

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