Eco-imperialists Impose a Biomess on Africa

Instead of cutting forests and burning dung and charcoal, shouldn’t Africa have cheap electricity?

By Duggan Flanakin

China, India, Vietnam and other nations are using more and more oil, natural gas and coal every year to electrify and modernize their nations, create jobs, and improve their people’s health, living standards and life spans. Why in this day and age are the World Bank and other international institutions demanding widespread use of charcoal for heating and cooking in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)?

During the recent 2019 “climate week,” the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change touted increased reliance on biomass – which already comprises 60% of European “renewable” energy – as a tool in fighting climate change and stabilizing Earth’s never-stable climate. Continue reading “Eco-imperialists Impose a Biomess on Africa”

Time to Hear from Sensible Adults

by Viv Forbes, 3 October 2019

Climate alarm has fractured western societies into four main groups – the Silent Majority, the Red Green-ants, the Noisy Street Children, and the Wise Elders.

The Silent Majority do the work of the nation. They pay the nation’s bills and taxes and only make their presence felt at election time. They despise most career politicians but many fear reprisals from Big Government or Big Business should they be seen speaking out. But when sufficiently aroused they toss out the chicken-littles and turn to leaders like Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro and Boris Johnson.
Continue reading “Time to Hear from Sensible Adults”

Greta the Marionette: A Disturbed Child Cynically Manipulated by Green Zealots

Dr. John Happs

In the year 1212 tens of thousands of children from France and Germany set out to re-take Jerusalem from the Muslim inhabitants. According to a 13th century source, the Chronica regia Coloniensis (‘Royal Chronicle of Cologne’):

Many thousands of boys, ranging in age from six years to full maturity, left the plows or carts they were driving, the flocks which they were pasturing, and anything else which they were doing. This they did despite the wishes of their parents, relatives, and friends who sought to make them draw back. Suddenly one ran after another to take the cross. Thus, by groups of twenty, or fifty, or a hundred, they put up banners and began to journey to Jerusalem.” Continue reading “Greta the Marionette: A Disturbed Child Cynically Manipulated by Green Zealots”

Playstation Computer Modelling Says We Are All Going to Fry

Dr. John Happs

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

Attributed (with some uncertainty) to: Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945.

There are now many frightened school children and quite a few worried parents because of what is taught in some classrooms and what they hear about impending climate-induced doom. We also have personal attacks on those scientists who oppose, with facts, the promoters of climate Armageddon.
Continue reading “Playstation Computer Modelling Says We Are All Going to Fry”

Electricity in Australia – Switching from Success to Failure

By Viv Forbes, 23 September 2019

Our grandfathers built a low-cost reliable decentralised electricity supply for all states of Australia based mainly on black and brown coal-fields – Blair Athol, Callide, Ipswich, Sydney/Newcastle, Yallourn, Leigh Creek and Collie.

Then our fathers built the mighty Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric scheme which provided water to irrigate the inland while generating electricity to help pay for it. Continue reading “Electricity in Australia – Switching from Success to Failure”